Benjamin is doing just great! At his two month check up, he weighed 11 pounds & 13 ounces. His head increased 1 inch in circumference (now 15.5") and hew grew another inch longer to 23 inches. His eyebrows also seem to be coming in, although his eye color is still indeterminate and slate grey. Good growth all around, though. Getting big for the co-sleeper... He makes all kinds of wonderful noises now, and seems to try to talk, ernestly trying out "ah-oooo", "mwaaah" and "eh". It's so adorable, we need to sit down frequently. Ben definitely seems to be a morning person. He starts stirring around 5 or 6 a.m., making little noises or talking to himself. Once his muttering become a bit more urgent, I go in, put the lights on and sing morning songs to him. He gives me those million watt smiles and I pick him up, continuing to sing and bid him a good morning. I change him, where I get more of those lovely smiles. It's so hard to get a picture, b...