Merry Christmas! Happy Hanukkah! Joyous Festivus!
We're so excited for Ben to have his very first Christmas! Well, he was around last year, but this is his first Christmas on the outside . The picture above is the one we used for our Christmas cards - the little man looks perfect! But lest you think that Super Adorable Boy poses like that all the time, here are some other shots for that sitting: Ah, our little cutie pie, always on the go! Now that he's really got the hang of crawling, there is no staying still. He's happy to follow Mommy about the house as chores are attempted, investigating everything as he goes. The rubbish bin in the bathroom holds particular intrest for Ben (well, it is shiny metal and has a lid that goes up & down...) His two little bottom teeth have been here for a couple of months, and now he has a new one on the top - the left incisor, but not one of the front ones. The bottom ones came in together, so it's a little weird to kust see one off to the side up on top. But this certainly explai...