Erm..., This is Food, Right?
Oh, what a busy month it's been! Ron and I have been swamped with work, having lost our other illustrator so that didn't leave a lot of time for updates. Our new illustrator has started and doing very well, so! On with muffin news! We started Ben on rice cereal, which he wasn't sure quite what to make of it at first, but he now absolutely loves it. Mouth-open-wide-for-next-bite kinda loves. Once he was having cereal for breakfast and dinner, we introduced butternut squash for lunch. He was less than thrilled, but did manage to eat the entire wee jar in three days. Next! On to carrots! He was okay with the carrots, not excited, but again managed to finish the jar in three days. Mommy also learned how much carrots stain! Ooooooh! What a pretty orange! Mommy bought Oxy Clean so we'll give that a whirl. Next stop: peas, glorious peas! Small, green and round! He doesn't spit them out, and that's good enough for me. I think tomorrow we'll go back to the squash and...