Not a Creature Was Stirring...
Ben is 7 weeks and 3 days old, and is somehow sleeping through the night. I keep thinking it's a fluke, but he goes to sleep around 11 pm and awakes around 7 - 8:30 am the next morning. Amazing. We're ticked pink, but even more excited by his smiles! He's outgrowing this outfit in a hurry, which is a shame because it has the cutest little bear faces on his feeet! Here he is with his Dad at work on Sunday, May 21. The next picture was taken today during his visit with Opa (on his way to La La Land). Must get back to work - deadlines abound, and I want to get everything done as quickly and well as possible so I can get back to the muffin. Baby bee says hello to everyone! And then spits up. ; )