See? Jinxed it...
Sure, right after I posted the last entry, Ben started waking up in the middle of the night. He wasn't waking up to eat, just waking up and talking animatedly to himself. After a while he'd sound annoyed, so I went in to check on him. He had flipped himself over from his belly to his back, so I let him know it was still very early, he needed some more sleep, but it was great that he rolled over. I rolled him back, which he protested and rolled himself back on to his back. I flipped him back over, and he fussed. I went back to bed, and when he sounded louder, Ron went in to flip him back over. He cried for a bit, then fell back asleep. He eventually awoke for the morning at about 7 am. He repeated this the following few nights, with his "back-to-sleep" time getting shorter.
Last night, he woke up at 2:30, chatting. At 3am I got up to say hi, tell him it was still the middle of the night and rolled him back on to his belly. He put his thumb inhis mouth an immediately went back to sleep. I, however, was not so fortunate. I've been up since then since I apparently have insomnia. Oh well. He's still too adorable for words! Last night he was this close to finding his foot and putting it in his mouth. And now, here are some more pics from this weekend!