Seventh Inning Stretch

Ben will be seven months old tomorrow! I'm just constantly amazed, and I'm sure I always will be. Happy seven months, Ben. You've been the absolute light in our lives. We're just so happy you're here with us.

He's had a busy seventh month. The beginning got off to a very sad start as we said goodbye to Ben's Uncle Will. I'm sorry he never got to know Will, but we have lots of pictures and stories for Ben as he gets older. I know his Aunt Kris, Noona, Pop-Pop and many others will help flesh out the picture of Will.

On his pediatrician's appointment of October 10th, he weighed 15 pounds, 14 ounces and measured 26" long. He handled his immunizations well and barely cried. What a trooper! The two bottom front teeth have come through, after a particularly cranky weekend, but all is well on the dentition front. He's now taking baths in the inflatable tub which fit into the big tub, and he seems to enjoy being able to sit and splash. He has, however, developed a dislike for having his hair shampooed and rinsed.Ben has learned to roll over from his belly to his back, and now does so with apparent ease, seemingly just to show off, we think. It still thrills us and we love each and every little milestone! He can pull up to sitting (and he now sits unsupported very well) and often goes right into standing. He loves to stand! He can support himself on all fours and rock back and forth, sometimes scootching up his knees in the whole rocking process. Looks like crawling is next up on the horizon...

He tolerates all his foods well so far. He was a little iffy about vegetables at first, but now he opens up wide for every mouthful. He just finished spinach for the first time, and now we're working on apples and blueberries. I know he's supposed to start on finger foods soon but I'm a little nervous about that. Visualize whirrled peas... Here's Ben with peas on his face from lunch today:

Ben dressed as a bee for Halloween. We took about 70 pictures and we've only gone through some of them so I've only posted a couple. Mommy took him around our neighborhood and he liked it. No candy this year, but he had fun seeing his neighbors all dressed up and they all loved his little outfit. Our little bee... I can't belive he'll be seven months old tomorrow...


Anonymous said…
Well, Poppop really enjoyed seeing the "Bee", brings back memories when I would walk your Mother and Uncle around the block(s) when they were little in the cold and even the rain. But we always came home to Hot Chocolate and freshly baked cookies. Made it all worthwhile.
Happy 7 months into the world Ben. When you can finally eat whole peas that's when it gets to be fun. You can fill up your mouth with peas and then spit them out one by one like a little machine gun!
Have fun Elyssia.
Love Pop Pop!

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