Bye Bye, Dada

Those would be Ben's first words.

He's been saying dada for a while now, since December I think, with some regularity. However not only would he look at Ron and say "dada" but he would also look at the phone, me, food.... you get the picture. Lately , though, he's been saying dada while looking at Ron and seems to mean it. While visiting Daddy at work this evening, and after playing with the mandible on the skeleton (don't worry, it's resin, not real bone), he said: "buh - buh - buh -ba ba ba bye bye dada." We both looked at him and then at each other for confirmation that neither of us was imagining this. He wouldn't repeat it, but it was so cute and groundshaking at the same time. That this tiny little being can actually communicate in words! He's starting to point to things in books, too, so we reinforce this for him. (That's a pineapple, Ben. You like pineapples! It looks odd, doesn't it? But so yummy...)

He's also pulling up on anything and everything. He's just began cruising, tenatively but it's a start. We praise him for his efforts and good job at standing, but we're not pusing him to walk. He'll get there when he's supposed to. He's crawling all over Jabib and seems to suit him well.

Discipline is also an exercise, with a sharp loud NO! when he approaches electrical cords or pipes, or the garbage pail. He responds well, shocked and he'll look at me for confirmation. I usually have to tell hm several times, but at least he listens for now. When he doesn't , we physically remove him from whatever it is he's not supposed to be doing.

He's eating well: mixed grain cereal and fruit in the morning, meat (chicken or turkey) and veggies for lunch, and then cereal with fruit for dinner, accompanied by egg yolk, or soy cheese or yogurt. Just started him on the Yo Baby yogurt and he loves it.

Here's a picture of him at a friend's house for a play date. He certainly knows how to have fun!


Anonymous said…
well it seems that aunt jackie's words of motherly advice have come in godson is now eating yo baby yogurt and soy cheese and egg least i'm good for something. that little boy is so cute and adorable, i can't wait to see him. he will be walking around the house independently before we know it. love you all, jackie

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