Fall All Around

We are in full Fall mode here in Pennsylvania... Just last weekend it was in the 80's; add a bit of rain and see the temperatures drop into the 50's and 60's! Being fair skinned and all, I was really kinda tired of the heat. Ben doesn't really mind, as long as he gets to run around outside.

So! I know it's been quite a while since my last post - hey, we're busy and it's hard to find the time. I'm sure you will all understand. Ben saw his pediatrician, Dr. B, last week and all went well. He's 33" tall, 24.5 pounds: above average for height and below average for weight (that's my lean boy). He's gotten 16 teeth, had two immunizations and cried most of the time during the appointment. Everything else looks just great.

Dr. B asked how many words he's saying, and I know it's terrible, but we haven't kept track. He hasn't begun phrases or sentences yet, but he can say a number of words. I'll try to include them all here, by category...

Body parts: Eye, nose, teeth, ear, chin, neck, toes, ankle, knee, hand, elbow. Knows but doesn't say: belly button, belly, chest, leg, foot, forehead, nail, fingers, foot.
Food: Apple, peach, milk, water (wat), waffle (waff), cheese, toast, cookie (cook), cracker (cack), juice, cake, pea, garlic, beans, eggs. Knows but doesn't say: cherries, blueberries, rice, chicken, banana, plums, pastina.

Animal sounds: Oooh -Oooh (owl), Moo Moo (cow), Arp arp (seal), Meow (cat), wrinkles his nose and sniffs for dogs, Oooow Oooww for coyotes and wolves.
Other: Car, truck (tuck), bike (dik), helmet (hemma), tire (tiwre), moon, star (tar), animal (anmal), owl, bee, turtle, cat (meow), bear, carry (cawwy), bath, bubbles, balloon, baboon, ball, hug, hi, bye, g'bye, Mama, Dada, Opa (pa), Oma (uh ma), pop, baby, pool, bowl, hat, hot, knock (while knocking), no, yes, yeah, dirt, book, box (bocks), clock (cock), ghost & goat (which both kinda sound the same), pumpkin (punk), bottle, pick, up, park (pak), pee, poo, pooh, poop. That's all I can think of for the moment. I'll add more as he says them or as I remember.

One of the latest things is when I'm scolding him, he'll smile, wave at me and say "Hi!" He'll often cry and scream over minor things, like going inside and saying goodbye to the tomato garden when he wants to stay and see them. He's got his own special noise just for tomatoes - a deep guttural "Ooooooooh!" It's a riot! He just started pretneding to give Spiderman milk, while making sucking noises (too funny)! He LOVES bicycles, motorcycles, anything with two or three wheels. He chases after the big boys in the park on their bikes, and desperately wants to touch them. He loves footballs, soccer balls, basketballs... will give them hugs. Really loves playing with balls. Oooh, that sounds a bit funny. But I'm sure you know what I mean. He loves going outside, loves going to the farm to see the animals and pumpkins, loves roughhousing with his dad. He loves going to the Little Gym and playgroup with his friends.
He's so much fun to be around and spend time with. He's a funny little person and we love him intensely. I never imagined that his laughter would become the most cherished sound I could ever hear, or the sight of Ben laughing would raise my spirits to new heights. Happy 18 Months, Benjamin.
love, Mama and Daddy


Anonymous said…
Ben sure has big yellow balls.
Elyssia said…
Yes, Uncle Rick, he sure does!

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