15 Months! Time Flies...

Oh, how it flies. During the first few months of Ben's life, it seemed like time dragged interminably on, whileslipping through our fingers at the same time. Only people with newborns, I have come to find, can understand this paradox.

Ben saw his pediatrician today and all is well with the Squeaky One. He weighs 22.2 lbs and measures 31". The doctor says he's a little below average for weight because he has such little fat. He's lean and muscular, and that's just fine with our doctor. He eats well, and eats a lot. We really put an effort into feeding him nutrious foodstuffs, and we're fortunate because he likes broccoli, peas, black beans, hummus, cottage cheese and yogurt. Loves fruit - seemingly all kinds except for raspberries. Definitely prefers blueberries or grapes to everything. As blueberries are highly beneficial for him (based on the blood type diet), we eat a lot of these in our house.

Gotta run because Ben is home -will update more tomorrow with pictures!


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