Tastes Like...

Ben is now TWO! Yes, two years old. By the time this post goes up, he will be two years, two months.

He is so much fun, with a great sense of humor and a wee powerhouse of energy. We went to the local zoo last weekend with some friends, and Ben RAN from one exhibit to another. He loves to run, and he runs fast!We all enjoyed his birthday. He had a party with all his friends for tumble time session and everyone had fun. We also had amazing chicken parmesan and cake :) The day of his birthday, I took Ben to the gym for a make-up class, and unfortunately opened the door right over his foot. Oh, that was so sad. I ripped his toenail, but he's since healed; his toenail fallen off and a new one is growing back. He's a resilient little tyke. So we're extra careful now when we open doors.

His language is progressing very nicely, and he's still working on his shapes and colors. We were out somewhere last week and upon seeing Ben sucking his thumb, someone asked him, "What does your thumb taste like?" He looked at the person, smiled a little and replied: "It tastes like chicken." That cracked me up! Where does he come up with this? What a hoot.

He's nearly three feet tall now, and weighs about 30 pounds. I've got to add some more pictures soon, hopefully next week. We are having an insane week at work now, with EVERYTHING due by Friday. I think Friday night I'll be having an orange pomegranate martini.

Happy Birthday to Ben's Dad, who turns the ripe young age of 37. Whoo hoo! We'll celebrate this weekend, once the deadlines are met. Ta for now!


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